20+ | Female | Black | Bi | A bitch (no really, like a dog)

If you leave a "tip" I'll love u 4ever

If you wanted to get unblocked just send me a message. Sometimes you might've gotten mix'd up in something.

Reasons for blocks:

"I block to prevent those to see my content that is not appropriate for them, or over stupid drama over drawings usually or I straight up don't want to see you or your content. Specially if it's something to do with SH or ED. No thank you."

Now if you're an Anti but still enjoy my work for whatever reasons, idc if you interact by liking or whatever, but please understand I make it obvious I'm problematic and don't want some stupid callout because you "didn't know" you was interacting with someone who makes degenerate art. Idc make a side account or only like & bookmark!! I only bring this up because this occurs more than I thought it would, lmao. I appreciate the support but please keep yourself safe from people dogging on you. (and me)



• Fancops
•MAPs/Zoos/Shit that falls into that category
•Don't understand Fiction vs Reality
•Those too invested in the anti vs proshit drama

Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in the tower. The PIZZA TOWER! Pizza? The pizza made me go crazy...

Welcome welcome

It's Pizza Time!

Mr. Sauceman